Sunday, January 31, 2010

What I like about Sydney, Australia

It has awesome beaches and many of them in every direction.

I can get up at 6am with a t-shirt and be bathed in sunlight.

The trees where I live are filled with noisy parrots, fearless kookaburras, crows and whatever else it is that makes tke worst racket at 7pm and 4am.

I have been here seven months and have only tapped the tip of the iceberg in terms of things to do.

It has many many different place to live in. Sprawling suburbs, beach areas, quaint towns, mountainous regions and young and upcoming areas filled with young people and lots of restaurants and clubs and cafes.

The awesome infrastructure.

My short train journey (compared to London).

The blue mountains.

Its Cosmopolitan with many people from around the world.

Its economy is booming.

The endless leafy suburbs.

The fact that I had a job offer before I came and another after I arrived.

The beautiful endless waters ways in Sydney.

The yachts, boats, ferries, tinnies and fishing.

My wife and kids.


The Schools.

The health and  emphasis on sport or outdoor actvities.

The TAFE colleges.

The excellent universities.

The myriad of malls.

That big bridge over the Sydney Harbour.

The Safety, no burgler bars, double guard/pet dogs, open car doors.

The safe driving and enforced rules.

The endless forests and rivers (in the suburbs).

Scotland Island.

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