Monday, January 5, 2015

Study in Sydney, Australia ? UAC - Universities Application Centre - Waiting for an offer?

The Australian Universities Application centre or UAC or “place of stress” to me.


Yikes! The process and information around applying for a university place in Australia is not great! So confusing and nobody to phone!


Nothing can describe the distress we experienced when we arrived and put in my sons university application only to receive no offers. Turned out it was only an early offer round for previous year deferments, but this was not clear on the site.


After much reading through various official and non official web-sites, it seemed that we had to put our application in by the about the end of December and that on the 5th of December we would know if my son got an offer of placement in one of the universities. The 5th of December 2014 came and went and he had a message saying he had no offer. Wow, we thought that was it! All over! So much disappointment. He started looking for jobs and was totally despondent.


We also then spent weeks looking at alternate courses, pathways and diplomas. Diplomas are $27000 for a year! No way.


Finally after trying to figure out his ATAR score from his overseas UK college diploma and why he was not accepted, and finding nothing online to help with this easily, I phoned a couple of universities until I got through to some very helpful lady who explained that the offers for university placement in Jan/ Feb 2015 would only come out in January the 6 2015 and then later in January in another main round.


Wow we were so relieved and are now waiting to see if my son has got into university.


So if you are in the same position, the kind friendly lady said that the December 5th offers were probably less than 5% of all university offers with the main set of university offers coming out in January over two time schedules in that month.


It also seems from the university course websites that they dropped the ATAR scores to get into university. The applicants standards must have all been on the whole lower.


Anyway good luck with your Sydney university applications!


Drop me a comment or question  about your experience below!

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