I thought I'd take a look at why people leave Sydney, Australia to go back home, be that to the UK, South Africa or anywhere.
I have heard of families leaving after 2 weeks!!! - droves leave within 6 months!
Well most people arrive here bushy tailed, bright eyes, filled with adventure and faith. We believe this will be a new beginning in all things; financial, friends, work, weather, crime and so on.
Some people come because they are bored or have some awkward/unbearable situation they want to escape. Whatever the reasons, they are compelling enough to make people spend years getting visa's and spend 10's of thousands of Pounds getting to Australia.
So why go back! Why do they leave Australia?
I have spent a lot of time in forums and have immigrated THREE times in the last 10 years. Believe me, I know a lot about this.
Reason no 1 - Loneliness.
You're on your own!, no friends, no family. No-one to talk to. This applies to wives, husbands and children equally- especially teenagers and especially stay-at-home mums (Even stay at home dads as one might be unemployed).
I mean, "how the hell are they gonna meet people?" most people are not outgoing and friend sprouters.
Reason no 2 - post arrival depression
Well you're on a high when you arrive right? This soon wears off and life becomes normal, it becomes tedious again, nothings new and well shit life sucks (lemme go home). some people get depressed at this point. Some get REALLY depressed. I have heard of either the husband or the wife deciding "screw this" and heading home. So once the euphoria wears off you find yours possibly in a worse life situation then before.
Reason no 3. - money- or lack thereof.
Coming to Sydney, Australia was the biggest shock of my life in this area. Without a deposit, there is no way in hell a family will buy a decent home. I say decent as who wants to migrate to a better country and then live on an estate right?
Food is as expensive as inner London. in fact to me, the restaurants are more expensive. And you don't get the London wage?
Thousands of people come here and end up being financially worse off by (I'd say) 40% financially.
Reason 4 - un-employment.
Many people come over on their spouses visa and find that they cant find work. When on partner is working i.e. nurses or hairdressers and the other isn't this can lead down the slippery path to returning.
Reason 5 - Teenagers don't fit in.
Ok your year 10 or 11, you have loads of friends your cool. Now, you have none. kids become recluses, clinging to the net. Teens are self-conscious, they cannot make friends!! (well a large section of them) Lets face it most kids are normal - i.e. not hugely handsome, beautiful, sporty or intelligent. And lets face it again - its those type of kids that can get into the in-crowd quickly...right? Most are just average kids trying to get by the remarks, bullying, existing cliques and so on.
Reason 6. - school year mismatch
UK year 11's have finished school- here they haven't. Enter country late in year and you kids just tread water for months, either trying to catch up, or just giving up til next years. NOT GOOD on so many levels - self esteem, exercise, socializing - all downhill.
UK year 11's have finished school- here they haven't. Enter country late in year and you kids just tread water for months, either trying to catch up, or just giving up til next years. NOT GOOD on so many levels - self esteem, exercise, socializing - all downhill.
I would really like your comments.
Have you left Australia? Have you left Sydney? Are you thinking of leaving Australia?
Thanks and 'til next time!
B good!!
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