Friday, February 12, 2010

Rent free smart home in west Sydney, Australia

I quote from the Energy Australia website tender. Where families are asked to fill in a tender/application as to why they should stay in the house.
Rent free in Sydney!! With a free smart car too!
"EnergyAustralia and Sydney Water are looking for a "Smart Home Family", including a resident writer, to occupy and write of their experiences in the Newington Smart Home located within the Newington Smart Village Project.
A house is being developed to showcasing both current best practice and be a real life laboratory testing new technologies to reduce household energy and water use and greenhouse gas emissions.
The Smart Home will be integrated with an intelligent electricity grid and its key objectives include:
· To provide a feature location for education on sustainable energy and water usage, smart metering and publicising the Newington Smart Village trial;
· To showcase and test 'best of breed' appliances and quantify the potential energy and water savings;
· To demonstrate the opportunities and benefits of a Home Area Network (HAN) environment;
· To explore alternative electricity supply and storage options, such as micro generation and battery storage technology; and
· To showcase the use of an electric vehicle and monitor its charging patterns, and potential integration with the battery storage.
Smart Home Family will increase the educational benefits of the house through living and reporting on their experience. A full description of the project and requirements of the family is provided in the Smart Home Family brief. "
Dig around on this website for the tender if you are interested...
happy days

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